New graphic highlights climate change findings

Posted on 31st March 2014

Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its contribution to the group’s Fifth Assessment Report today, citing a broad base of science that considers the vulnerability of human and natural systems to climate change.

The Centre’s expert in the visualisation of climate science, Dr Will Stahl-Timmins, has produced an infographic to coincide with the report and help readers navigate the complexity of information presented.

View the graphic here

Dr Stahl-Timmins said:

The latest report from the IPCC shows how wide-ranging, significant and certain the current impacts of climate change are, and how these will intensify for the rest of the 21st Century. This graphic aims to give quick, efficient access to the key facts, and we hope it will provide a reference to the different sections of the summary, guiding people to the areas most relevant to them.”

The report shows that while current human health impacts from climate change are small, they are predicted to grow significantly through the 21st Century and beyond.

The full report can be downloaded here

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